Ingrid del Carmen Montes-González
Curriculum Vitae – Fall 2018
[one_half]Doctor of Philosophy, Organic Chemistry
University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras Campus
Thesis advisor: Gerald Larson[/one_half][one_half_last]1985[/one_half_last]
[one_half]Bachelor of Science, Chemistry
University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras Campus[/one_half][one_half_last]1980[/one_half_last]
Professional Experience
Research Interest
My research interests include organic and organometallic synthesis, and chemical education. For the past thirty-two years, I have been teaching at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus and performing research in the area of chemical education. During the last ten years, I have also been doing research in the area of synthetic organic chemistry.
Organometallic Chemistry
Chalcones have been reported to have a broad range of biological activities such as antimalarial, antibacterial, antitumor, antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and anti-HIV. An enhancement of the antitumor activity has been observed when one of thearomatic rings is replaced with ferrocene, however, the mechanism of action is still uncertain. Therefore, our researchexplores and chemically modifies the structure of ferrocenyl chalcone-based scaffolds to study their anticancer andantioxidant activities. This study will also yield information regarding possible mechanisms of action. Among the proposedmodifications to the ferrocenyl chalcone–based scaffolds is the incorporation of heterocyclic moieties. This can be affordedeither introducing a heterocyclic aromatic substituent or functionalizing the –unsaturated system. Another modificationis to form ammonium or pyridinium salts to increase water solubility. All compounds are extensively characterized by Infrared, 1H and 13C–NMR spectroscopy, UV–Vis spectrophotometry, single crystal x-ray diffraction and cyclic voltametry. Antioxidant activity are studied applying DPPH radical scavenging assay and antitumor by MTS colorimetric cell proliferation assay.
Chemical Education
Our research work is based upon the theoretical perspective building on constructivist and meaningful learning theory. In this respect, the construction of knowledge will therefore depend on the interaction of personal experiences with private understandings. As educators, we must be aware of student understandings and provide the adequate environment and opportunities for students to more easily create and retrieve appropriate conceptions. Our research includes three intertwined branches: the instruction (transmission of attitudes, skills and habits of inquiry to students), the practice (development of the tools and methods used to teach chemistry) and the assessment.
Development and Implementation of the “Festival de Química” for the American Chemical Society (ACS). It was moved to be an ACS Program (Festival Series) in August 2015.
The “Festival de Química” is a community outreach event that, through demonstrations, emphasizes the importance of chemistry in daily life. The event was initially designed, developed and implemented in Puerto Rico, since 2010 ACS adopted this model to broader its impact internationally.
It includes training prior to the event using the model “Train the trainers” for those who will work as volunteers, manual for volunteer, manual for outreach coordinator and flash cards for participants.
Each event reaches out from 300 up to thousands children and students.
- Ongoing event in Puerto Rico since 2005 (National Chemistry Week and Chemists Celebrate Earth Day)
- “29th Congreso Latinoamericano de Química (CLAQ 2010)”, Cartagena, Colombia, September , 2010
- “IUPAC World Congress”, San Juan, Puerto Rico, July, 2011.
- “30th Congreso Latinoamericano de Química (CLAQ 2012)”, Cancún, México, October, 2012.
- “Open House” Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, September, 2013.
- “Semana Nacional de la Ciencia y la Tecnología” by CONICYT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología); Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, October, 2013.
- “Open House” at the Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile, October, 2013.
- “Chinese Chemical Society Meeting”, Beijing,China, August 2014.
- “Chinese Chemical Society Meeting”, Dalian, China, July 2016.
- Outreach event sponsored by Ministry of Education, Panamá, December 2016.
- Outreach event sponsored by Malysia ACS Chapter, February 2017
- Outreach event sponsored by American University of Sharjah
Festival Training Institutes
- Dalian, China, July 2016
- Panamá, November 2016
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 2017
- Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, April 2018
Refereed Publications
Sara M. Delgado-Rivera , Giovanny E. Pérez-Ortiz, Andrés Molina-Villarino, Fabiel Morales-Fontán, Lyannis M. García-Santos, Alma M. González-Albó, Ana R. Guadalupe, Ingrid Montes-González “Synthesis and characterization of novel ferrocenyl chalcone ammonium and pyridinium saltderivatives” Inorg. Chim. Acta; 2017,
Book Chapters
Counterion Effects in the Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction of the Acetate Ion with Alkyl Bromides in the Synthesis of Esters, Ingrid Montes, Elizabeth Valentín and Waldemar Adam
Comprehensive Organic Chemistry Experiments for the Laboratory Classroom, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK pages 68-71(ISBN: 978-1849739634).
Chapter 5: Sowing the seeds of chemistry through Student Chapters: A journey full of commitment, enthusiasm and passion, Ingrid Montes “Building and Maintaining Award-Winning ACS Student Member Chapters Volume 1: Holistic Viewpoints.”, ACS Symposium Series 1229.
Mother and Chemist: Every pitfall is an opportunity to rise with a new beginning
Ingrid Montes
Mom the Chemistry Professor, American Chemical Society, in press.
Laboratory Manuals
I. Montes, P. González Experiencias para el Laboratorio de Química Orgánica, Pearson Custom Publishing, First edition 2003, Second edition 2005, Third edition, 2010, Forth edition 2013.
I. Montes, Teaching Assistant Manual, University of P.R., Río Piedras Campus, August 1992.
A. Rodríguez, I. Montes, E. Danielsen, J. Bonilla, Safety Laboratory Manual, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, August 1991.
I. Montes, Laboratory Manual of General Chemistry, PR Junior College, August 1988.
A. Martí, Laboratory Manual of Biochemistry, College of Pharmacy, University of Puerto Rico, 1984. Revised by I. Montes in March 1986.
P.I. Chavez, I. Montes, M. Sidhom, Laboratory Manual of Drug Analysis, University of Puerto Rico, College of Pharmacy, March 1986.
Non-Refereed Publications
Diversifying ACS’s membership demographics, Ingrid Montes, Chemical & Engineering News, 95(29), July 17, 2017.
Balancing the global equation for women in STEM, Ingrid Montes, Chemical & Engineering News, 94(28), July 11, 2016.
The American Chemical Society and its Spanish resources, Ingrid Montes, Chemical & Engineering News, 93(45), November 16, 2015.
10 Years Of Growth For The Festival De Química, Ingrid Montes, Chemical & Engineering News, 93(2), January 12, 2015.
Offer Your Service-The Benefits Are Endless, Ingrid Montes, Chair, Committee on Community Activities Chemical & Engineering News, 87(44), June 22, 2009.
Official Reports from the Philadelphia Meeting Chemical & Engineering News, 86(44), November 3, 2008.
NCW, Chemists Celebrate Earth Day, And The Importance Of Outreach, Ingrid Montes, Chair, Committee on Community Activities Chemical & Engineering News, 86(43), October 27, 2008.
Official Reports from the New Orleans Meeting Chemical & Engineering News, 86(25), June 23, 2008.
‘The Many Faces of Chemistry’, Ingrid Montes, Chair, Committee on Community Activities Chemical & Engineering News,85(43), October 22, 2007.
I. Montes J. Jankowski “Celebrating 20 Years of National Chemistry Week” J. Chem. Ed., 2007, 84, 1092
I. Montes, “El Uso de la Tecnología de las Telecomunicaciones en el Programa de Multimedios Interactivos para el Desarrollo de Destrezas en el Curso de Química Orgánica de la UPR”, Tecne, Vol. 1 #2, 17 (1995).
Invited Presentations
Panelist: Future of the Chemical Sciences“How can we improve the gender parity in academia? Is diversity in industry also an issue? What sort of positive action can we take today to ensure a more diverse academic and industry workforce?”, 46th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, São Paulo, SP – Brazil, July 2017.
Panelist: How has chemistry enabled changes and improvements vs the sustainable development goals? What are some best practices that we, as chemists, could follow to improve our world? What is needed to grow these efforts? 46th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, São Paulo, SP – Brazil, July 2017.
Diversity and inclusion: The art of embracing everyone uniqueness, Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM), Hershey, PA, June 2017.
“Festival de Química” a successful model to communicate the value and impact of chemistry to local communities, 253rdACS Spring National Meeting, San Francisco, CA,April, 2017.
Balancing the global equation for women in STEM, University of Puerto Rico-Cayey Campus, Puerto Rico, January,2017.
Perspectiva para la formación integral del profesional de la química,PR Chem, San Juan, Puerto Rico, August 2016.
Historical Challenges for Women in STEM, PR Chem, San Juan, Puerto Rico, August 2016
Ongoing challenges for Hispanic Women, Women in Chemistry: Changing the Face of Science Symposium, PacificChem, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 2015.
“Festival de Química” a successful international non-formal educational model, Chemistry Education: International and Multicultural Perspectives Symposium, PacificChem, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 2015.
Synthesis, Characterization and Biological applications of ferrocenyl chalcones 13th Raymond N. Castle Conference, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA, April 2015.
Climate Science Toolkit: A sucessful project in Puerto Rico, Sara Delgado-Rivera | Maria Rodriguez Guzman; Ingrid Montes-González, 249th ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO, March 25, 2015.
Ferrocenyl Chalcones: A versatile core, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile, October 2013.
Synthesis and applications of Ferrocenyl Chalcones, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile, October 2013.
The versatility of Ferrocenyl Chalcones core, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, September 2013.
Are there any particular challenges faced by women in STEM fields? ADVANCE Networking of Hispanic Women in STEM, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2012.
Química Verde -nuestro compromiso, nuestro futuro Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogotá, Colombia, November 2011.
Hispanic Women Underrepresentation in STEM Fields, 241st ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 2011.
Life Stories and Educational Techniques: How to Motivate Students to Become Successful Scientists, at the Universidad Tecnológica de Bolivar, Colombia, September 2010.
Hispanic women: How to rise above challenges and move forward? Presidential Symposium:Women Chemists of Color: Staying at the Table Symposium, 240th ACS National Meeting, Boston, August 2010
Teaching Green Chemistry in the Organic Chemistry Course, Symposium: Sustainability across the Chemistry Curriculum: Green Chemistry and Beyond, 236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, Pen, August 2008
New Directions in Teaching Organic Chemistry: An Inquiry-Based Approach.An International Conference on “New Directions in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation of Chemical Sciences at Tertiary Level” at Sri Lanka (SPONSORED BY IUPAC), March 2006.
Inquiry-Based Approach for Teaching Organic Chemistry- Ingrid Montes- “Active Learning in Organic Chemistry Symposium”-University of Puerto Rico-Cayey Campus, November, 2005
Chemical Demonstration Show at Festival de Química, 229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, Marzo 2005.
¿Cómo ha ido cambiando la percepción de la importancia del rol de la mujer en la química?, Ingrid Montes, UPR-Aguadilla, October 2004, Aguadilla , PR
Teaching Organic Chemistry: An Instruction, Practice and Research Experience, Primer Encuentro de Estudiantes de Química, UPR-Río Piedras, April 2003
Teaching Organic Laboratory Techniques Using The Guided Inquiry Learning Approach, Ingrid Montes 17th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Western Washington Univ., Bellingham, Washington, July 2002
ACS student affiliates chapters: an alternative to mentoring programs, as part of the symposiun “Mentoring: A Strategic Tool for Professional Development”, 223rd ACS National Meeting, Orlando, March 2002, Mentoring Symposium.
Leveraging Your Opportunities for Leadership, 223rd ACS National Meeting, Orlando, March 2002, Panelist.
A Collage Of New Alternatives For Teaching Organic Chemistry, Ingrid Montes, 6th UNCW Symposium on Chemistry and Biochemistry, NC Wilmington, January 2002.
“New Alternatives For Teaching Organic Chemistry Using Active Learning Approach”. Ingrid Montes*, Chunqiu Lai, H. Zhou, Zhiqin Ji, Zaida Diaz, Marilyn García, Margarita Melendez And Humberto Rodriguez, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, May 2000.
“New Alternatives To Teach Organic Chemistry Laboratory Using Guided Inquiry Learning Approach”, Ingrid Montes, Chunqiu Lai And Margarita Meléndez University of Puerto Rico, Humacao, February 2000.
“The Organic Chemistry Course For Majors, As Experience Of Active Learning”, Ingrid Montes, José A. Prieto and Humberto Rodríguez, 16th Chemistry Conference, Santiago, Cuba, December 1999.
“Can We Teach Organic Chemistry Laboratories Using Guided Inquiry Learning Approach?”,Ingrid Montes, Chunqiu Lai, and Margarita Meléndez, 16th Chemistry Conference, Santiago, Cuba, December 1999.
“Nuevas Experiencias de Laboratorio para el curso de Química Orgánica”, I. Montes, Seminar Speaker, Metropolitan University of Puerto Rico, April 1999.
“El curso de Química Orgánica: Una experiencia de Aprendizaje Activo”, I. Montes, Seminar Speaker, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, September 1997.
“Interactive Computer Modules as Teaching Aids”, I. Montes, Seminar Speaker, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, August 1995.
Presentations at Meetings/Conferences
“Festival de Química” a successful model to communicate chemistry Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Education, Toronto, Canada, July 2014.
“Fostering Green Chemistry through a Capstone Course”, Richard Rivera and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. 244th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2012.
“El curso de Química Orgánica: Una experiencia de enseñanza y aprendizaje integral e innovadora”, Ingrid Montes Conferencia Innovación y Cambio en la Educación Superior, UPR-Río Piedras Campus, February 2009.
“Development of Laboratory Video Clips and Modules for the Organic Chemistry Course”, Ingrid Montes, Patricia González and Diana L. Santiago, 26th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, San Juan, P.R., August 2002.
“Teaching Organic Laboratory Techniques Using the Guided Inquiry Learning Approach” BCCE, Ingrid Montes, Washington, July 2002.
“Active Learning Approach: A New Alternative For Teaching Organic Chemistry”,I. Montes, C. Lai, H. Zhou, Z. Ji, Z. Diaz, M. García, A. Maldonado, M. Meléndez and D. Sanabria, 25th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, San Juan, P.R., November 2001.
“New Alternatives For Teaching Organic Laboratory Techniques Using The Guided Inquiry Learning Approach”. Ingrid Montes, M. García, C. Lai, A. Maldonado, M. Meléndez and D. Sanabria, CETP Conference, Puerto Rico, November 2001.
“Active Learning Approach: A New Alternative For Teaching Organic Chemistry”,I. Montes, C. Lai, H. Zhou, Z. Ji, Z. Diaz, M. García, A. Maldonado, M. Melendez and H. Rodriguez, 4 to Congreso Internacional de Química, 222th ACS National Meeting, Chicago, August 2001.
“Kids & Chemistry Workshop”. I. Montes and A. Benett, 4to Congreso Internacional de Química, La Habana, Cuba, April 2001.
“Active Learning Approach: A New Alternative For Teaching Organic Chemistry”, I. Montes*, C. Lai, H. Zhou, Z. Ji, Z. Diaz, M. García, A. Maldonado, M. Melendez and H. Rodriguez, 4to Congreso Internacional de Química, La Habana, Cuba, April 2001.
“New Alternatives For Teaching Organic Laboratory Techniques Using The Guided Inquiry Learning Approach”. Ingrid Montes, Chunqiu Lai and Margarita Meléndez, First ACS Pan American Conference, Puerto Rico, June 2000.
“The Use Of Technology In The Organic Chemistry Course For Majors”, Ingrid Montes, Marilyn García, Humberto Rodríguez, 1st Fair of Technology UPR-RP, April, 2000.
“New Alternatives To Teach Organic Chemistry Laboratory Techniques Using Guided Inquiry Learning Approach”, Ingrid Montes, Chunqiu Lai and Margarita Meléndez, 219th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, March 2000.
“Can We Teach Organic Chemistry Laboratory Techniques Using Guided Inquiry Learning Approach?“, Ingrid Montes, Chunqiu Lai, and Margarita Meléndez, 23th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Humacao, P.R., November 1999.
“A New Systematic Study Of The Grignard Reaction Focused On The Guided Inquiry Approach“, Margarita Meléndez, Zaida Díaz and Ingrid Montes, 218th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, August 1999.
“New Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiences Focused On The Problem Based Learning Approach”, Ingrid Montes, Chunqiu Lai, Zaida Díaz and Margarita Meléndez, 217th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, California, March 1999.
“New Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiences Focused On The Problem Based Learning Approach”, Ingrid Montes, Chunqiu Lai, Zaida Díaz And Margarita Meléndez, 22th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Aguadilla, P.R., November 1998.
“The Organic Chemistry Laboratory: An Experience of Active Learning”, Chunqiu Lai, I. Montes and Helena Rivera, Congreso Latinoamericano, P.R., July 1998.
“Success Stories in Science Education”, I. Montes and G. Escalona, 7th Annual Quality Education for Minorities, Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Network Conference, Washington U.S.A., February, 1998.
“The Organic Chemistry course for majors: An experience of Active Learning”, I, Montes and J. Prieto, 21st ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Lajas, P.R., November 1997.
“New Approach for the Organic Chemistry Laboratory”, I, Montes, Chunqiu Lai and Helena Rivera, 21st ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Lajas, P.R., November 1997.
“Improving the Chemistry Teaching and Learning Experience at the Department of Chemistry, Río Piedras”, I. Montes, R. Morales, Symposium: Shaping the future of Undergraduate education and the role of University, Industry and government in the development of human Resources, San Juan, September 1997.
“ACS Student Chapters at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus”, C. Bosques, I. Montes, 213th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, California, April 1997.
“A Bachellor for the New Millennium” ACS Student Chapters, G. Tejada, Celia Maldonado and Eladio Rivera, I. Montes, 213thACS National Meeting, San Francisco, California, April 1997.
“Improving the Chemistry Teaching and Learning Experience at the Department of Chemistry, Río Piedras”, Morales R., Arce, J., Betancourt R., Cordero N., Danielsen E., González P., Montes I., Motta N., 4th Annual PR-AMP Meeting of Chemistry Professors, San Juan, PR, February 1997.
“Different Alternatives for the Organic Chemistry Laboratory”, I. Montes, 20th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, San Juan, P.R., November 1996.
“The Use of Computer Technologies in Organic Chemistry”, I. Montes, P. González, N. Cordero, R. Betancourt, T. Mendoza and A. Caraballo, 20th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, San Juan, P.R., November 1996.
“Promoting an Active Learning Experience in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory”, P. González and Ingrid Montes, 24th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, La Parguera, P.R., November 1995.
“A Graduate Dean’s Support of Effective Teaching Assistant Training Programs”, E. Ríos, I. Montes and E. Danielsen, 5ht National Conference on the Education and Employment of Graduate Teaching Assistants, Denver, Colorado, November 1995.
“Interactive Computer Modules as Teaching Aids for Spanish Speaking Students in Organic Chemistry”, I. Montes, P. González, N. Cordero, R. Betancourt and T. Mendoza, 3rd Pan American Chemical Congress, San Juan, P.R , September 1995.
“ACS Student Chapters, Abroad Spectrum of Possibilities”, R. Delgado, I. Montes, 209th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, California, April 1995.
“An Interactive Computer Approach to Develop Problem-Solving Skills for Organic Chemistry Students”, I. Montes, N. Cordero, P. González, 209th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim California, April 1995.
“Using Interactive Multimedia to Help Organic Chemistry Students to Develop Problem-Solving Skills”, I. Montes, T. Mendoza, Second Symposium of Interactive Multimedia, Interamerican University, San Juan, P.R., March 1995.
“Using Interactive Computer Modules to Develop Problem Solving Skills in Organic Chemistry”, 18th Senior Technical Meeting, Aguadilla, P.R., November 1994.
“Hazardous Material Management”, I. Montes, Association of Science Teachers San Juan, PR, February 1994.
“ACS Student Chapters as Promoters of Chemistry Awareness and Agents to Attract Students to the Field”, R. Delgado, I. Montes, R. Betancourt, ACS National Meeting, April 1994.
“Teaching Assistant Training”, I. Montes, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico, August 1991 and 1992.
“Microchemistry”, I. Montes, Science Teacher Association Convention, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 1991.
“Teaching Assistant Training”, I. Montes, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico August 1990.
“Facile Synthesis of Monoprotected 1,4 and 1,5 Diketones”, G. L. Larson, A. Santiago, I. Montes First Pan American Chemical Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 1985.
“Alpha-Silyl Esters in Synthesis”, G. L. Larson, I. Montes, V. Cruz, L. E. Torres, ACS 189th National Meeting, Miami, Florida, April 1985.
“Alpha-Silyl Esters in Synthesis”, G. L. Larson, I. Montes, 8th Annual Senior Technical Meeting, American Chemical Society Puerto Rico Section, San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 1984.
“Alpha-Silyl Esters in Synthesis”, I. Montes, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico, December 3, 1984.
“Synthesis of Monoprotected 1,4, and 1,5 diketones”, G. L. Larson, Angel Santiago, I. Montes, 8th Annual Senior Technical Meeting, American Chemical Society, Puerto Rico Section, San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 1984.
“Direct Synthesis of a-Silyl Ketones and Ketones from Silyl Esters”, G. L. Larson, I. Montes, D. Hernández, L. Torres, ACS 187thNational Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, April 1984.
“Synthesis of Substituted Olefins and a-Silyl Ketones from a-Silyl Esters”, G. L. Larson, I. Montes, D. Hernández7th Annual Senior Technical Meeting, ACS Puerto Rico section, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, December 1983.
“La Conversión de Lactonas a Dihidrofuranos; Cetonas 1,4 y Ciclopentenonas”, G. L. Larson, E. Pérez, I. Montes, 18th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, Ponce, Puerto Rico, April 1983.
“Lactones to Dihydrofurans and diketones”, G. L. Larson, I. Montes, XV Congreso Latinoamericano de Química, Centro de Convenciones, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 1982.
“The Conversion of d-Valerolactones to 1,4-Diketones and Cyclopentenones”, G. L. Larson, I. Montes, 6th Annual Senior Technical Meeting, American Chemical Society, Puerto Rico Section, San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 1981.
“Synthesis of a-Functionalized Organosilanes”, G. Larson, I. Montes, XV Junior Technical Meeting, Ponce, Puerto Rico, April 1980.
“Synthesis and Reactions of a-Carbo Functional Organosilanes”, G. Larson, I. Montes, MBS Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, April 1980.
“Synthesis of Functionalized Organosilanes”, G. L. Larson, I. Montes, 4th Senior Technical Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 1979.
“Reaction of ß-Hydroxyorganosillanes”, G. L. Larson, I. Montes, 14th Junior Technical Meeting, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico, April 1979.
Student’s Presentations
“Effect of Counterions on the biological activity of ferrocenyl chalcone salt derivatives” Díaz-Rohena, Daisy; Delgado-Rivera, Sara M.; Montes-González, Ingrid, PRISM / 52nd ACS Junior Technical Meeting, Universidad del Turabo, Puerto Rico, April 2018.
“Aminopyridines Ferrocenyl Chalcones as Potential Anticancer and Antioxidant Candidates” Duran-Camacho, Geraldo L; Delgado-Rivera, Sara M, MS.; Montes-González, Ingrid, PhD, PRISM / 52nd ACS Junior Technical Meeting, Pontifical Catholic Universidad del Turabo, Puerto Rico, April 2018.
“Aminopyridines ferrocenyl chalcones and other heterocyclic derivatives as potential anticancer and antioxidant candidates”Duran-Camacho, Geraldo L.; Delgado-Rivera, Sara M, MS.; Montes-González, Ingrid, PhD, ABRCMS Conference, Phoenix, AZ, November 2017.
“Novel synthesis of ferrocenyl epoxides derivatives to explore their biological potential as anticancer and antioxidant compounds” Dávila-Calderón, Jesse.; Montes-González, Ingrid, Ph.D.; Aponte-Santini, Juan C., 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April, 2017.
“Synthesis and characterization of heterocyclic ferrocenyl chalcones and their potential biological applications”Alsina-Sánchez, Ámbar M.1; Delgado-Rivera, Sara M.1; Montes-González, Ingrid1; Guadalupe-Quiñones, Ana R.1; Colón-Lorenzo, Emilee E.2; Serrano-Brizuela, Adelfa E., ., 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April, 2017.
“Synthesis, characterization and biological applications of ferrocenyl curcumin analogs” Santiago, Xaimara.; Montes-González, Ingrid, Ph.D.; 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April, 2017.
“Ferrocenyl Chalcone SaltDerivatives: A study of their possible biological applications” Delgado-Rivera, Sara M.; Pérez-Ortiz, Giovanny E.; Morales-Lozada, Yermary; Montes-González, Ingrid; Guadalupe-Quiñones, Ana R.; Colón-Lorenzo, Emilee E.;Serrano-Brizuela, Adelfa E.; Sanabria-Ríos, David J.; Baerga-Ortíz, Abel, 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April,2017.
“Advancing Ferrocenyl Derivatives Pharmacophores throughout the Incorporation of Heterocycles in their Scaffolds” Juan C. Aponte-Santini; Ingrid Montes-González, Ph.D.; Jesse Dávila-Calderón’ David J. Sanabria-Ríos, Ph.D.; Ana Guadalupe-Quiñones, Ph.D.; Emilee Colón-Lorenzo; Adelfa Serrano-Brizuela, Ph. D.; Fathi Hallaweish, Ph.D. 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, California, April 2017.
“Synthesis and Characterization of Heterocyclic Ferrocenyl Chalcones and their Potential Biological Applications” Ambar Alsina-Sánchez, Sara Delgado-Rivera, Ingrid Montes-González, Guadalupe-Quiñones AR, Colón-Lorenzo E, Serrano-Brizuela A..ABRCMS Conference, Tampa, FL, November 2016.
“Shaping the biological potential of ferrocenyl derivatives: An enhancement with heterocycles.” Juan C. Aponte-Santini, Ingrid Montes-González, Jesse Dávila-Calderón, David Sanabria-Ríos, Ana Guadalupe-Quiñones, Emilee Colón-Lorenzo, Adelfa Serrano-Brizuela, Fathi Halaweish,..SciFinder® Future Leaders CAS. Columbus, OH, August 2016.
“Synthesis and Characterization of Curcumin Analogues from Acetylferrocene” Xaimara Santiago Maldonado, Josué Rivera Hernández, Myrna R. Otaño, David Sanabria Ríos, Ingrid Montes González Ph.D.,5th Lilly Academy Technical Forum, San Juan, P.R., May 2016.
“Approaching the biological enhancement of ferrocenyl derivatives via heterocyclic moieties improvements” Juan C. Aponte-Santini; Ingrid Montes-González; Jesse Dávila-Calderón; David J. Sanabria-Ríos; Andrés Villarino-Molina; Ana R. Guadalupe-Quiñones; Emilee Colón-Lorenzo; Adelfa Serrano-Brizuela; Fathi Halaweish; Valance Washington, 11th RISE Area Conference, San Juan, PR March 2016 & 5th Lilly Academy Technical Forum, San Juan, PR, May 2016.
“Synthesis of Chalcone Derivative’s Ferrocene Polymers for Potential Multi-Functional Materials” Rodríguez-Díaz, Giovanni ;Fajardo-Tolentino, Johanna; Guadalupe-Quiñones, Ana R., Ph.D.; Montes-González, Ingrid, Ph.D., 251th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2016 and 5th Lilly Academy Technical Forum, San Juan, PR, May, 2016.
“Synthesis and Characterization of Monosubstituted Ferrocenyl Chalcone Salt Derivatives: Study of their Electrochemistry and Antibacterial properties” Pérez-Ortiz, Giovanny E.; Delgado-Rivera, Sara M.; Montes-González, Ingrid, Ph.D.; Guadalupe-Quiñones, Ana R., Ph.D.;Gutierrez, Ricardo; Rivera-Torres, Yartiza, MS ; and Sanabria-Ríos, David J., Ph.D., 251th ACS National Meeting San Diego, CA, March 2016 and 5th Lilly Academy Technical Forum, San Juan, PR, May, 2016.
“Ferrocenyl Chalcones Salts Derivatives as Potential Antimalarial Agents” Delgado-Rivera, Sara M.; Pérez-Ortiz, Giovanny E.; Montes-González, Ingrid, Ph.D.; Guadalupe-Quiñones, Ana R., Ph.D.; Colón-Lorenzo, Emilee E., Ph.D.; Serrano-Brizuela, Adelfa E., Ph.D., 251th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2016 and 5th Lilly Academy Technical Forum, San Juan, PR, May, 2016.
“Ferrocenyl Chalcones based scaffolds containing heterocyclic moieties as potential antimalarial agents” Alsina-Sánchez, Ámbar M., Delgado-Rivera, Sara M., Montes-González, Ingrid, Guadalupe-Quiñones, Ana R., Colón-Lorenzo, Emilee, Serrano-Brizuela, Adelfa, 251th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, March, 2016 and 5th Lilly Academy Technical Forum, San Juan, PR, May, 2016
“Towards the biological enhancement of ferrocenyl derivatives: An improvement with heterocyclic moieties” Juan C. Aponte-Santini; Ingrid Montes-González; Jesse Dávila-Calderón; David J. Sanabria-Ríos; Andrés Villarino-Molina; Ana R. Guadalupe-Quiñones; Emilee Colón-Lorenzo; Adelfa Serrano-Brizuela; Fathi Halaweish; Valance Washington, 251st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, March 2016.
“Synthesis and Characterization of Curcumin Analogs to Improve its Bioavailability” Xaimara Santiago Maldonado, Josué Rivera Hernández, Myrna R. Otaño, David Sanabria Ríos, Ingrid Montes González Ph.D., 251th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2016.
“Ferrocenyl Chalcones Salts Derivatives as Potential Antimalarial Agents” Delgado-Rivera, Sara M.; Pérez-Ortiz, Giovanny E.; Montes-González, Ingrid, Ph.D.; Guadalupe-Quiñones, Ana R., Ph.D.; Colón-Lorenzo, Emilee E., Ph.D.; Serrano-Brizuela, Adelfa E., Ph.D., 251th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2016 and 5th Lilly Academy Technical Forum, San Juan, PR, May, 2016.
“Exploring methodologies for the synthesis and characterization of 1,1’-symmetric ferrocenyl chalcones from 1,1’-diacetylferrocene” Naishka E. Caldero Rodríguez; Ingrid Lehman Andino, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 251th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2016.
“Exploring methodologies for the synthesis and characterization of 1,1’-symmetric ferrocenyl chalcones from 1,1’-diacetylferrocene” Naishka E. Caldero Rodríguez; Ingrid Lehman Andino, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 11th RISE Area Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 2016.
“Synthesis and characterization of 1,1’-symmetric ferrocenyl chalcones from 1,1’-diacetylferrocene” Naishka E. Caldero Rodríguez; Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., PRISM / 51th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, Ponce, Puerto Rico, March 2016.
“Synthesis and Characterization of Chalcone Derivatives Ferrocene Polymers for Potential Applications as Stimuli Responsive Sensors” Rodríguez-Díaz, Giovanni ; Fajardo-Tolentino, Johanna; Guadalupe-Quiñones, Ana R., Ph.D.; Montes-González, Ingrid, Ph.D., PRISM / 51st ACS Junior Technical Meeting, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, Ponce, PR, March 2016.
“Synthesis and characterization of Curcumin Analogs” Xaimara Santiago Maldonado, Josué Rivera Hernández, Myrna R. Otaño, David Sanabria Ríos, Ingrid Montes González Ph.D., PRISM / 51st ACS Junior Technical Meeting, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, Ponce, PR, March 2016.
“Synthesis and Characterization of Monosubstituted Ferrocenyl Chalcone Salt Derivatives” Pérez-Ortiz, Giovanny E.; Delgado-Rivera, Sara M.; Montes-González, Ingrid, Ph.D.; Guadalupe-Quiñones, Ana R., Ph.D.; Gutierrez, Ricardo; Rivera-Torres, Yartiza, MS ; and Sanabria-Ríos, David J., Ph.D., PRISM/ 51th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, Pontifical Catholic Universtiy of Puerto Rico, Ponce, Puerto Rico, March 2016.
“Exploring methodologies for the synthesis and characterization of 1,1’-symmetric ferrocenyl chalcones from 1,1’-diacetylferrocene” Naishka E. Caldero Rodríguez; Ingrid Lehman Andino, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 2016 Lilly Academy Technical Forum, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 2016.
“Synthesis of Novel Chacones Derivative’s Ferrocene Polymers” Giovanni Rodríguez-Díaz; Johanna Fajardo-Tolentino; Yanira Enrriquez-González; Ana Guadalupe-Quiñones, R. Ph.D and Ingrid Montes-González, Ph.D, 13th Raymond N. Castle Conference, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA, April 2015.
“Heterocycles: An enhancement in the ferrocenyl derivatives pharmacophores” Juan C. Aponte-Santini, Ingrid Montes-González, Soraya Abdul-Hadi-Martínez, Fernando J. Correa-Delgado, David J. Sanabria-Ríos, María Del M. García-Maldonado, Ana R. Guadalupe-Quiñones, Emilee Colón-Lorenzo, Adelfa Serrano-Brizuela, and Fathi Halaweish, 249th ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO, March 25, 2015.
“An improved methodology for the synthesis of nonsymmetric ferrocenyl chalcone derivatives” Stephany M. Ramos De Dios; Myrna Otaño; Ingrid Montes-González, Ph.D., 249th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 2015.
“A Greener Approach to the Grignard Reaction” Adrian E. Burgos-Avilés; Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 249th ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO, March 2015.
“Oximes derivatives from Ferrocenyl Chalcone as potential antibacterial agents” Naishka E. Caldero Rodríguez; Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 249th ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO, March 2015.
“Thiosemicarbazone-derivatives from Ferrocenyl Chalcones as Potential Antibacterial and Atimalarial Agents” Andrés Molina Villarino, Ingrid Montes González, 249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition: Chemistry of Natural Resources, Denver, CO, March 2015.
“Laboratory Experience for the Organic Chemistry Course based on a greener approach for the Grignard Reaction” Adrian E. Burgos-Avilés; Ingrid Montes-González, PhD.; 50th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras Campus, San Juan Puerto Rico, March 2015.
“Synthesis and characterization of Ferrocenyl Oximes” Naishka E. Caldero Rodríguez; Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 50th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras Campus, San Juan Puerto Rico, March 2015.
“Thiosemicarbazone-derivatives from Ferrocenyl Chalcones as Potential Antibacterial and Atimalarial Agents” Andrés Molina Villarino, Ingrid Montes González, 50th ACS Junior Technical Meeting and 50th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM), University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, PR, March 2015.
“Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Polymers for Potential Uses in Material Sciences” Rodríguez-Díaz, Giovanni ; Fajardo-Tolentino, Johanna; Enrriquez-González, Yanira; Guadalupe-Quiñones, Ana R., Ph.D and Montes-González, Ingrid, Ph.D, 50th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras Campus, San Juan, PR, March 2014.
“Synthesis and Characterization of nonsymmetric ferrocenyl chalcone derivatives” Stephany M. Ramos De Dios and Ingrid Montes-González, Ph.D. 50th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras Campus, San Juan, PR, March 2014.
“Synthesis of nonsymmetric ferrocenyl chalcone derivatives”. Stephany M. Ramos De Dios ; Myrna Otaño; Ingrid Montes-González, 38th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, San Juan, PR November 7, 2014.
“Heterocyclic ferrocenyl derivatives: An improvement in the backbone of bioactive compounds” Juan C. Aponte-Santini, Ingrid, Montes-González, Soraya Abdul-Hadi-Martínez, Fernando J. Correa-Delgado, David J. Sanabria-Ríos, María Del M. García-Maldonado, Ana R. Guadalupe-Quiñones, Emilee Colón-Lorenzo, Adelfa Serrano-Brizuela, and Fathi Halaweish, 38th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, San Juan, PR November 7, 2014.
“Programa de mentorías para química general: Un enfoque exitoso para capacitar a los estudiantes de primer año” Juan C. Aponte-Santini, Ingrid Montes-González, and Víctor E. Bonilla, 31er Congreso Latinoamericano de Química CLAQ-2014, XXVII Congreso Peruano de Química, Lima, Perú, October 16, 2014.
“Synthesis and characterization of 3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)ferrocenyl chalcones” Josué Rivera-Hernández; Myrna Otaño-Vega; María García; David Sanabria-Ríos, Ph.D.; Y. Rivera-Torres; R.Gutierrez-García; Ana Guadalupe, Ph.D.; Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. , 248 th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, August 2014.
“Ferrocenyl Chalcones as Potential Precursors for Biosensors” Rodríguez-Díaz, Giovanni ; Fajardo-Tolentino, Johanna; Cedeño-Alicea, Julio; Enriquéz-González, Yanira; Guadalupe-Quiñones, Ana R., Ph.D and Montes-González, Ingrid, Ph.D, 2014 Lilly Academy Technical Forum, Centro de Convensiones de Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, March 2014.
“1,1’-Ferrocenyl chalcones derivatives: synthesis, characterization and electrochemical properties of potential biological active compounds” Ingrid Lehman Andino, Myrna R. Otano Vega, Ingrid Montes González, Ph. D, 247 th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 2014.
“Chemistry Ambassadors for Climate Science: a successful non-formal education program” María Rodríguez Guzman, Alba González, Joel Pérez, Ingrid Montes González, 247 th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 2014.
“University of Puerto Rico – Río Piedras Campus: Leading an ongoing trajectory of impact” Adolfo Barragán Cabrera; Raúl E. Martínez Quiñones; Edmarie Santiago Aponte; Ingrid Montes González; 247 th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 2014.
“Ferrocenyl chalcones framework: Leading the synthesis of biological active compounds” Juan C. Aponte-Santini, and Ingrid Montes-González, 247 th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 2014.
“Synthesis of the Ferrocenyl Stilbene Derivatives” Sara M. Delgado-Rivera; Giovanni Rodríguez, and Ingrid Montes-González, Ph.D, 247 th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 2014.
“Synthesis, Characterization, and Potential Applications of Ferrocenyl Chalcones Derivatives from 1, 1’-Diacetylferrocene” Ingrid Lehman Andino, Myrna R. Otano Vega, Naishka E. Caldero Rodríguez, Ingrid Montes González, 49th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, University of Puerto Rico-Cayey Campus, Cayey Puerto Rico, March 2014.
“Solvent free stereoselective reduction of cyclohexanone derivatives: an investigative approach for the undergraduate organic chemistry laboratory” Emmanuel López-Nogueras; Sara M.; Delgado-Rivera; David Sanabria and Ingrid Montes-González, 49thACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, University of Puerto Rico-Cayey Campus, Cayey Puerto Rico, March 2014.
“Synthesis and characterization of Curcumin analogue” Josué Rivera Hernández, Myrna R. Otano Vega, María del Mar García, David Sanabria-Ríos, Ph. D., Ana R. Guadalupe, Ph. D., Ingrid Montes, Ph. D., 49th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, University of Puerto Rico-Cayey Campus, Cayey Puerto Rico, March 2014.
“Chemistry Ambassadors for Climate Science: a successful non-formal education program” María Rodríguez Guzmán, Ingrid Montes González, 49th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, University of Puerto Rico-Cayey Campus, Cayey Puerto Rico, March 2014.
“Ferrocenyl Chalcones as potential precursors for Ferrocene Polymers” Julio Cedeño, Johanna Fajardo, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., Ana Guadalupe, Ph.D., 49th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, University of Puerto Rico-Cayey Campus, Cayey Puerto Rico, March 2014.
“Synthesis and characterization of 1,1’-diacetylferrocene derivatives as promising biological active compounds” Ingrid Lehman Andino, Myrna R. Otano Vega, Ingrid Montes González, ABRCMS, Nashville, TN, November 2013.
“Designing a biological active framework based on ferrocenyl chalcones core”; Juan C.; Aponte-Santini, Ingrid Montes-González, Fernando J.Correa-Delgado; David J.Sanabria-Ríos; Ana Guadalupe-Quiñones; Fathi Halaweish, Senior Technical Meeting PR Local Section, Aguadilla, PR, November 2013.
“University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras ACS Student Chapter leading a footprint in our society” Adolfo E Barragán Cabrera; Raúl Martínez Quiñones; Edmarie Santiago Aponte; Ingrid Montes González, Senior Technical Meeting PR Local Section, Aguadilla, PR, November 2013.
“Solvent free stereoselective reduction of carbonyl groups” Emmanuel López-Nogueras; Sara M.; Delgado-Rivera, David Sanabria, and Ingrid Montes-González, 245 th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, April 2013.
“Ferrocene Heterocyclic Derivatives: As potential biological active drugs” Juan C. Aponte-Santini, and Ingrid Montes-González, 245 th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, April 2013.
“Synthesis of the Phenylethyne Ferrocene Derivatives” Jesús M., Dones-Monroig, Sara M Delgado-Rivera and Ingrid Montes-González, 245 th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, April 2013.
“Non-symetric ferrocenyl chalcones as posible anti-cancer drugs” Sara M. Delgado-Rivera, and Ingrid Montes-González, 245 th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, April 2013.
“History of Chemistry Capstone Course: New Solutions to an Old Problem” Alan Rodríguez and Ingrid Montes-González, 245 th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, April 2013.
“Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the National Chemistry Week” Orlando José Morales Martínez1 and Ingrid Montes-González, 245 th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, April 2013.
“Synthesis and Characterization of Ferrocenyl Chalcones as precursors for Ferrocene Polymers “ Stephanie Rivera, Johanna Fajardo, and Ingrid Montes, 48th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, Carolina Campus, Turabo Puerto Rico, March 2013.
“Bridges Towards Sustainability: Non-traditional Strategies for Science Learning” Israel Méndez Bermúdez, María Rodríguez, Sara M. Delgado Rivera, Guzman, Isatis M. Cintrón Rodríguez, Carla Coste Sánchez, Ingrid Montes González, 48th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, Carolina Campus, Turabo Puerto Rico, March 2013.
“Bridging formal and non-formal learning to promote global sustainability” María Rodríguez, Sara M. Delgado Rivera, Guzman, Israel Méndez Bermúdez, Isatis M. Cintrón Rodríguez, Carla Coste Sánchez, Ingrid Montes González, 48th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, Carolina Campus, Turabo Puerto Rico, March 2013.
“Synthesis and characterization of a Curcumin analogue” Josué Rivera Hernández, Myrna R. Otano Vega, Ingrid Montes Gonzalez, 48th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, Carolina Campus, Turabo Puerto Rico, March 2013.
“Solvent Free Synthesis and Characterization of 1,1’-diacetylferrocene derivatives” Ingrid Lehman Andino, Myrna R. Otano Vega, Ingrid Montes González, 48th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, Carolina Campus, Turabo Puerto Rico, March 2013.
“Synthesis and Characterization of Ferrocenyl Chalcones Derivatives” Fernando J. Correa Delgado, Juan C. Aponte-Santini, and Ingrid Montes González, 48th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, Carolina Campus, Turabo Puerto Rico, March 2013.
“Solvent free stereoselective reduction of carbonyl groups: an investigative approach for the undergraduate organic chemistry laboratory” Emmanuel López -Nogueras; Sara M. Delgado-Rivera; David Sanabria and Ingrid Montes González , 48th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, Carolina Campus, Turabo Puerto Rico, March 2013.
“Heterocyclic Derivatives: Potential Biological Activity Enhancement of Ferrocenyl Chalcones” Aponte-Santini, Juan C. and Montes-González, Ingrid, RISE Area Conference, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico, March 2013.
“Applying Solvent-Free Conditions to the Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Chalcones Derivatives” Fernando J. Correa Delgado, Juan C. Aponte-Santini, and Ingrid Montes González, 244 th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2012.
“Synthesis and characterization of ferrocenyl chalcones from Claisen-Schmidt reaction in alcoholic and solvent-free media”, Myrna R. Otaño-Vega, Ingrid Montes, Ph. D., 244 th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2012.
“Mentorship Program for the Freshmen General Chemistry Course”, Juan C. Aponte-Santini(a), Ingrid Montes, Ph.D.(a) and Víctor E. Bonilla, Ph.D., 244 th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2012.
“Green Chemistry Gleam: A New Point of View in a Capstone Course”, Sara M. Delgado-Rivera, Richard Rivera-Ocasio and Ingrid Montes-González, Ph.D. 16th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, June 2012.
“Green Chemistry: A New Approach for the Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Chalcones Derivatives”, Juan C. Aponte-Santinti and Ingrid Montes-González, Ph.D. 16th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, June 2012.
“Intercalation of a ferrocene derivative in zirconium phosphate layers”, Francisco Martínez; Barbara Casañas; Ingrid, Montes; Jorge L. Colón;Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), Pennsylvania, USA, Poster Presentation, May 2012.
“Intercalation of a ferrocene derivative in zirconium phosphate layers”, Francisco Martínez; Barbara Casañas; Ingrid, Montes; Jorge L. Colón;Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS), Maryland, USA, Poster Presentation, May 2012.
“Heterocycles Functionalizing Ferrocenyl Chalcones Core”, Juan C. Aponte-Santini, and Ingrid Montes González, 243 rd ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2012.
“Ferrocenyl Chalcones: A Claisen – Schmidt reaction for mono-, bis- and unsymmetrical derivatives”, Myrna R. Otaño-Vega, Ingrid Montes González, Ph.D. 47th Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, Carolina Campus, Carolina Puerto Rico, March 2012.
“A Greener Approach for the Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Chalcones Derivatives”, Fernando J. Correa Delgado, Juan C. Aponte-Santini, and Ingrid Montes González, . 47th Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico, Carolina Campus, Carolina Puerto Rico, March 2012.
“Intercalation of a ferrocene derivative in zirconium phosphate layers”, Francisco Martínez; Barbara Casañas; Ingrid, Montes; Jorge L. Colón; 2012 Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (PRJSHS), Puerto Rico, Poster Presentation, February 2012.
“Intercalation of a ferrocene derivative in zirconium phosphate layers“, Francisco Martínez; Barbara Casañas; Jorge L. Colón;35th American Chemical Society (ACS) Senior Technical Meeting PR Local Section, Dorado, PR, Poster Presentation, November 2011.
“Ferrocenyl Chalcones: Synthesis and Characterization of New Ferrocene Polymers” Johanna Fajardo, Janice Soto and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 35 th Senior Technical Meeting, Embassy Suites Dorado Del Mar, Dorado, P.R., November 2011.
“Ferrocenyl Chalcones: Precursors for Heterocyclic Compounds”, Juan C. Aponte-Santini, and Ingrid Montes González, 35 thSenior Technical Meeting, Embassy Suites Dorado Del Mar, Dorado, P.R., November 2011.
“Ferrocenyl Chalcones as Precursors for Ferrocenyl Homopolymers”, Johanna Fajardo, Janice Soto and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 35 th Senior Technical Meeting, Embassy Suites Dorado Del Mar, Dorado, P.R., November 2011.
“Puerto Rico Local Section Women Chemists Committee”, Rodríguez-Escudero, Idaliz; Otaño, Myrna R.; Casañas Montes, Bárbara; Fajardo, Johanna; Montes, Ingrid, , 35th American Chemical Society (ACS) Senior Technical Meeting PR Local Section, Dorado, PR, Poster Presentation, November 2011.
“Synthesis and characterization of Ferrocenyl Chalcones: Advances to the syntheses of mono-, bis-, and unsymmetrical derivatives”, Myrna R. Otaño-Vega, Ingrid Montes González, Ph.D. 35th Senior Technical Meeting, Embassy Suites Dorado del Mar, Dorado Puerto Rico, November 2011.
“Synthesis of ferrocenyl chalcones derivatives: Are we really “greening”it up?” Adriana Rodríguez, Myrna R. Otaño-Vega, Ingrid Montes González, Ph.D. 35th Senior Technical Meeting, Embassy Suites Dorado del Mar, Dorado Puerto Rico, November 2011.
“Synthesis and Characterization of New Ferrocene Polymers from Ferrocenyl Chalcones”, Johanna Fajardo, Janice Soto and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 43 rd IUPAC World Chemistry Congress/ 46 th IUPAC General Assembly/ 70 th CQPR Annual Conference and Exhibition, Conventional Center, San Juan, P.R., July 2011.
“Synthesis and Characterization of mono-, bis-, and unsymmetrical ferrocenyl chalcones”, Myrna R. Otaño-Vega, Ingrid Montes González, Ph.D. 43rd IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, Puerto Rico Convention Center, San Juan Puerto Rico, July 2011.
“New approach for the preparation of alkyl iodides”, Sara M. Delgado-Rivera, Ingrid Montes-González, Ph.D., Francisco J. Arnáiz, Ph.D. 43rd IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, Puerto Rico Convention Center, San Juan Puerto Rico, July 2011.
“A greener approach for the synthesis of ferrocenyl chalcone derivatives”, Adriana Rodríguez, Myrna R. Otaño-Vega, Ingrid Montes González, Ph.D. 46th Junior Technical Meeting, Interamerican University, Bayamón Campus, Bayamón Puerto Rico, March 2011.
“Ferrocenyl Chalcones as Precursors for Ferrocene Polymers”, Johanna Fajardo, Janice Soto and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., PRISM/ ACS 46th Jr. Technical Meeting-Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, Bayamón, PR, March 2011.
“Synthesis and Characterization of New Ferrocene Polymers from Ferrocenyl Chalcones” Johanna Fajardo, Janice Soto and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., PRISM/ ACS 46th Jr. Technical Meeting-Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, Bayamón, PR, March 2011.
“Ferrocenyl Chalcones: Precursors For Heterocyclic Compounds” Juan C. Aponte-Santini, Ingrid Montes-González, Ph.D. 35th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Puerto Rico, November 2011.
“Functionalization of the Ferrocenyl Chalcones Framework”, Juan C. Aponte-Santini, Ingrid Montes, Ph. D. 43rd IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, Puerto Rico, August 2011.
“Incorporation of Heterocycles in Ferrocenyl Chalcone Cores”, Juan C. Aponte-Santini, Ingrid Montes, Ph. D., 241 th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 2011.
“Synthesis and Characterization of Ferrocenyl Chalcones Heterocyclic Derivatives”, Juan C. Aponte-Santini, Ingrid Montes, Ph. D., PRISM/ACS Jr Tecnical Meeting, Puerto Rico, March 2011.
“Synthesis and characterization of ferrocenyl chalcones: Potential compounds against some diseases” Myrna R. Otaño-Vega, Ingrid Montes González, Ph.D. 240th ACS National Meeting, Boston MA, August, 2010.
“A greener approach for esterification reactions”, Silvette Castro, Javier Escudero and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. PRISM/ ACS 45th Jr. Technical Meeting-UPR-Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, March 2010.
“Synthesis of ferrocenyl chalcones from 1,1′- diacetylferrocene using new synthetic approach”, Ninoshka M. Lafontaine, Myrna R. Otaño-Vega, Ingrid Montes González, Ph.D. PRISM/ ACS 45th Jr. Technical Meeting-UPR-Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, March 2010.
“Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Chalcones from Acetylferrocene and 1,1′- Diacetylferrocene and Some Applications”, Myrna R. Otaño, Rocío Cardona, Ana Guadalupe, Ph.D. and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 61st Southeast Regional Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2009.
“Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Chalcones From 1,1′- Diacetylferrocene”, Ninoshka Lafontaine, Myrna R. Otaño and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 61st Southeast Regional Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2009.
“Esterification Reactions Applying a Greener Approach”, Silvette Castro, Javier Escudero and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 61st Southeast Regional Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2009.
“Melting Point Prediction of Different Organic Compounds”, Iván Ojeda, Myreisa Morales, Natalia Hernandez and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 61st Southeast Regional Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2009.
“Electrochemical Studies of Ferrocene Chalcones Derivatives Immobilized in Nafion and Their Role as Mediators for the Oxidation of Compounds of Biological Importance” Kenneth Hernandez, Rocio del A. Cardona, Myrna R. Otaño, Ana Guadalupe,Ph.D. and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 61st Southeast Regional Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2009.
“Electrochemical and Spectroscopical Characterization of Ferrocene Chalcones Derivatives: Cyclic Voltammetry, Diffusion Coefficients, Kinetics and UV-Visible”, Rocío del A. Cardona, Kenneth Hernandez, Myrna R. Otaño, Ana Guadalupe, Ph.D. and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 61st Southeast Regional Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2009.
“Chemical Characterization of Metallocenes Derivatives Intercalated Into Zirconium Phosphate Layers”, Barbara Casanas Montes, Jorge Colón, Ph.D. and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. 61st Southeast Regional Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2009.
“How Does a Mentoring Program Influences the Freshmen Students of the General Chemistry Course?” Juan C. Aponte-Santini, Víctor E. Bonilla, Ph.D. and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 61st Southeast Regional Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2009.
“How the Affective Aspects Influencing the Students’ Achievement in the Organic Chemistry Course?” Johanna Fajardo, Víctor E. Bonilla, Ph.D. and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 61st Southeast Regional Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2009.
“Enhancing the Academic Experience of the Graduate Students”, Richard Rivera-Ocasio, Sara M. Delgado-Rivera and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 61st Southeast Regional Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2009.
“Community Service in Action: Chem-Clubs, UPR-RP ACS Chapter and SEGQuim”, Yishara Chandler, Zulmarie Péerz, Soleyl Vázquez, Ilia Pérez and Ingrid Montes, 61st Southeast Regional Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2009.
“How Does a Mentoring Program Influences the Freshmen Students of the General Chemistry Course?” Juan C. Aponte-Santini, Víctor E. Bonilla, Ph.D. and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 238th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, Washington, DC, August 2009.
“How the Affective Aspects Influencing the Students’ Achievement in the Organic Chemistry Course?” Johanna Fajardo, Víctor E. Bonilla, Ph.D. and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 238th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, Washington, DC, August 2009.
“Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Chalcones from Acetylferrocene and 1,1′- Diacetylferrocene and Some Applications”, Myrna R. Otaño, Rocío Cardona, Ana Guadalupe, Ph.D. and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 238th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, Washington, DC, August 2009.
“Nickel Oxide Hydroxide: A Potential Oxidizing Agent”, De la Torre, Sonia B.; Montes, Ingrid, 237th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. March 2009.
“Assessment of How the Selected Topics in Chemistry Course Influences in the Students of the General Chemistry Course”Juan C. Aponte-Santini, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. and Víctor E. Bonilla, Ph.D., X Puerto Rican Congress of Investigation in the Education, San Juan, PR, March 2009.
“How the Affective Aspects of Students with Different Learning Styles Influence their Achievement in the Organic Chemistry Course”, Johanna Fajardo, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. and Víctor E. Bonilla, Ph.D., X Puerto Rican Congress of Investigation in the Education, San Juan, PR, March 2009.
“How the Affective Aspects of Students with Different Learning Styles Influence their Achievement in the Organic Chemistry Course” Johanna Fajardo, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. and Víctor E. Bonilla, Ph.D., PRISM/ ACS 44th Jr. Technical Meeting-UPR-RP, PR, March 2009.
“Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Chalcones from Acetylferrocene and 1,1’- Diacetylferrocene”, Otaño Vega, Myrna R., Montes, Ingrid ,Ph. D. and Guadalupe, Ana Ph. D.PRISM/ACS 44th Jr. Technical Meeting UPR-RP, PR, March, 2009.
“Chemical and Electrochemical Characterization Of Metallocenes Derivatives Intercalated Into Zirconium Phosphate Layers”, Casañas Montes, Bárbara; Morales, Mara; Miller, Andrismery; Ramirez, Jonathan; Sanchez, Yariel; Montes, Ingrid; Colón, Jorge L., 29th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM) and the 44th Jr. Technical Meeting, Río Piedras, PR, March 2009.
“Assessment of How the Selected Topics in Chemistry Course Influences in the Students of the General Chemistry Course”, Juan C. Aponte-Santini, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. and Víctor E. Bonilla, Ph.D., PRISM/ ACS 44th Jr. Technical Meeting-UPR-RP, PR, March 2009.
“Chemical and Electrochemical Characterization of Metallocenes Derivatives Intercalated into Zirconium Phosphate Layers”, Casañas Montes, Bárbara; Miller, Andrismery; Morales, Mara; Ramirez, Jonathan; Sanchez, Yariel; Montes, Ingrid; Colón, Jorge L., The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, Poster Presentation, February 2009.
“Oxidation Reactions using Nickel Oxide Hydroxide as the Oxidizing Agent”, De la Torre, Sonia B.; Montes, Ingrid,University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students 2008, Disney’s Coronado Spring Resort in Orlando, Florida. November 2008.
“Ferrocene Chalcones Derivatives: Pyridines”, Cardona, Rocío del A.; Hernández, Kenneth; Otaño, Myrna; Montes, Ingrid and Guadalupe, Ana R. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students 2008, Disney’s Coronado Spring Resort in Orlando, Florida. November 2008.
“Oxidation Reactions using Nickel Oxide Hydroxide as the Oxidizing Agent” De la Torre, Sonia B.; Montes, Ingrid; University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 32nd Senior Technical Meeting, Rincón of the Seas, Rincón, Puerto Rico. November 2008
“Oxidations Reactions: A Greener Approach” Sonia De la Torre and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 236th ACS Spring Nacional Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2008.
¨How the Affective Aspects Influence the Students Achievement in the Organic Chemistry Course¨ Johanna Fajardo, Charlotte Cabello, Rafael Ramos Linnette Pruna, and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., Latin American Federation of Chemical Associations (FLAQ)28th Latin American Chemical Congress, Convention Center, PR., August 2008.
“Counterion Effects in the Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction of the Acetate Ion with Alkyl Bromides in the Synthesis of Ester”, Elizabeth M. Valentín, Ingrid Montes and Waldemar Adam, Latin American Federation of Chemical Associations (FLAQ) 28th Latin American Chemical Congress, Convention Center, PR., August 2008.
“Oxidations Reactions: A Greener Approach”, Sonia De la Torre and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D, Latin American Federation of Chemical Associations (FLAQ) 28th Latin American Chemical Congress, Convention Center, PR., August 2008.
“Implementing Portfolios as an Assessment Technique for the Organic Chemistry Laboratory”, Johanna Fajardo, Rafael Ramos and Ingrid Montes, PR AGEB, San Juan, PR, July 2008.
“Synthesis and Potential Applications of Ferrocenyl Chalcone”, Otaño Vega, Myrna R.; Cruz Montañez, Alejandra; Díaz Borrero, Cristina; Montes González, Ingrid and Guadalupe, Ana PR AGEP, San Juan, PR, July 2008.
“Immobilization of Ferrocene Chalcones Derivatives in the Presence of MW-Carbon Nanotubes: Biosensor Construction”, Cardona, Rocío del A.; Díaz, Aileen; Otaño, Myrna; Montes, Ingrid and Guadalupe, Ana R. 28th Latin American Chemical Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico. July 2008.
“Chemical and Electrochemical Characterization of Ferrocene Derivatives Intercalated into Zirconium Phosphate Layers by Direct Ion Exchange”, Casañas Montes, Bárbara; Morales, Mara; Santiago, Mitk’El; Miller, Andrismery; Montes, Ingrid; Colón, Jorge L., 28th Latin American Chemical Congress, San Juan, PR, Poster Presentation, July 2008.
“Ferrocene Chalcones Derivatives as Labels for DNA Electrochemical Sensors”, Cardona, Rocío del A.; Díaz, Aileen; Otaño, Myrna; Montes, Ingrid and Guadalupe, Ana R. 6th Annual ACS Summer School on Sustainability and Green Chemistry, Golden, Colorado. July 2008.
“Enhancing the Academic Experience in Graduate Chemistry School at the University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras Campus”, Idaliz Rodríguez, Rubenier Montano and Ingrid Montes 235th ACS Spring Nacional Meeting, New Orleans, April 2008.
“Community Service ACS-Student Affiliate Chapter at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus”, Anabel Pizarro, Sara M. Delgado, Melanie Rivera, Ilia Pérez, Glorimar Rivera, Gabriel J. Reyes, and Ingrid Montes 235th ACS Spring Nacional Meeting, New Orleans, April 2008.
“Chemical and Electrochemical Characterization of Ferrocene Derivatives Intercalated into Zirconium Phosphate Layers by Direct Ion Exchange”, Casañas Montes, Bárbara; Morales, Mara; Santiago, Mitk’El; Miller, Andrismery; Montes, Ingrid; Colón, Jorge L., EPSCOR Annual Meeting, San Juan, PR, Poster Presentation, April 2008.
“Chemical and Electrochemical Characterization of Ferrocene Derivatives Intercalated into Zirconium Phosphate Layers by Direct Ion Exchange”, Casañas Montes, Bárbara; Morales, Mara; Santiago, Mitk’El; Miller, Andrismery; Montes, Ingrid; Colón, Jorge L., 235th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, Lousiana, USA, Poster Presentation, April 2008.
“Chemical and Electrochemical Characterization of Ferrocene Derivatives Intercalated into Inorganic Layered Materials of Zirconium”, Casañas Montes, Bárbara; Morales, Mara; Santiago, Mitk’El; Miller, Andrismery; Montes, Ingrid; Colón, Jorge L., phosphate, 28th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM) and the 43rd Junior Technical Meeting, Arecibo, PR, Poster Presentation, March 2008.
“Synthesis and Characterization of Ferrocenyl Chalcones”, Myrna R. Otaño Vega, Alejandra Cruz, Cristina Díaz, Ingrid Montes, Ph. D. and Ana Guadalupe, Ph. D. 28th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM) and the 43rd Junior Technical Meeting, Arecibo, PR, Poster Presentation, March 2008.
“A Greener Approach for Oxidations Reactions”, Sonia de la Torre and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. 28th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM) and the 43rd Junior Technical Meeting, Arecibo, PR, Poster Presentation, March 2008.
“How the Affective Aspects of Students with Different Learning Styles Influence their Achievement in the Organic Chemistry Course”, Johanna Fajardo, Charlotte Cabello, Rafael Ramos Linnette Pruna, and Ingrid Montes 28th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM) and the 43rd Junior Technical Meeting, Arecibo, PR, Poster Presentation, March 2008.
“Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Alkenes Compounds”, Mara Morales, Bárbara Casañas and Ingrid Montes, 28th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM) and the 43rd Junior Technical Meeting, Arecibo, PR, Poster Presentation, March 2008.
“The Use of the Evaluation Portfolio in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory as an Assessment Technique”, Fajardo, Johanna, Ramos Rafael and Montes, Ingrid, Ph.D., 28th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM) and the 43rd Junior Technical Meeting, Arecibo, PR, Poster Presentation, March 2008
“A Guided Inquiry Experiment for Organic Chemistry: Synthesis of Ferrocene Derivatives” by a Claisen-Schmidt Condensation Reaction, Alejandra Cruz, Wanda Cuadrado, Cristina Díaz, Myrna Otaño and Ingrid Montes, 31st ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Mayaguez, PR, November 2007.
“Synthesis of 1-aryl-3-ferrocenylprop-2-ene-1-ones”, Mara Morales and Ingrid Montes, 31st ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Mayaguez, PR, November 2007.
“Characterization of Ferrocene Derivatives Intercalation Into Zirconium Phosphate Layers By Direct Ion Exchange For Electrochemical Applications”, Casañas Montes, Bárbara, Morales García, Mara; Santiago Berríos, Mitk’El B.; Montes, Ingrid and Colón, Jorge L, 31st ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Mayaguez, PR, November 2007.
“Implementing Portfolios as an Assessment Technique for the Organic Chemistry Laboratory”, Fajardo, Johanna, Ramos Rafael and Montes, Ingrid, 31st ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Mayaguez, PR, November 2007.
“Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Chalcones”, Myrna Otaño, Alejandra Cruz, Cristina Díaz, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. and Ana Guadalupe, Ph.D., 31st ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Mayaguez, PR, November 2007.
“An Innovative Way to Introduce Students to Discuss Ethics”, Adriana Padilla, Atenaida Maldonado, Solymar Negretti, and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., 31st ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Mayaguez, PR, November 2007.
“Ferrocene Chalcone Derivatives as Labels for DNA Electrochemical Sensors”, Rocío Cardona, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. and Ana Guadalupe, Ph.D., Partnership for Research and Education in Materials (PREM)-NSF 4th Site Visit. University of Puerto Rico; Humacao, Puerto Rico, November 2007.
“Ferrocene Derivatives and their Application in Biotechnology”, Rocío Cardona, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. and Ana Guadalupe, Ph.D., 31st ACS Senior Technical Meeting. Mayaguez Resort and Casino; Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. (Poster Presentation) November 2007.
“Ferrocene derivatives intercalated in 10.3 A ZrP”, Casañas Montes, Bárbara; Morales García, Mara; Santiago Berríos, Mitk’El B.; Montes, Ingrid; Colón, Jorge, AAAS Caribbean Division Annual Conference, Bayamón, PR October 2007.
“Characterization of Novel Ferrocene Derivatives”, Rocío Cardona, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. and Ana Guadalupe, AAAS Caribbean Division Annual Conference, Bayamón, PR October 2007.
“Characterization of inorganic complexes intercalated into zirconium phosphate layers for electrochemical applications”, Casañas Montes, Bárbara Morales García, Mara; Santiago Berríos, Mitk’El B.; Montes, Ingrid Ph.D., Colón, Jorge, Ph.D.; AAAS Caribbean Division Annual Conference, Bayamón, PR October 2007.
“Characterization of Inorganic Complexes Intercalated into Zirconium Phosphate Layers for Electrochemical Applications”, Casañas Montes, Bárbara Morales García, Mara; Santiago Berríos, Mitk’El B.; Montes, Ingrid; Colón, Jorge, “2007 Annual Best Practices Conference on Teaching and Learning”, Embassy Suites Hotel, Dorado del Mar, October 2007.
“Characterization of Inorganic Complexes Intercalated into Zirconium Phosphate Layers for Electrochemical Applications”, Casañas Montes, Bárbara; Morales García, Mara; Santiago Berríos, Mitk’El B.; Montes, Ingrid; Colón, Jorge L. JAM-NSF, Washington D.C., USA, August 2007.
“Characterization of Novel Ferrocene Derivatives”, Rocío Cardona, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D.and Ana Guadalupe Ph.D., AGEP 5thPoster Presentation for Graduate Research. University of Puerto Rico; Río Piedras, Puerto Rico, July 2007.
“Characterization of Novel Ferrocene Derivatives”, Rocío Cardona, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D.and Ana Guadalupe, Ph.D., International Symposium on Advanced Material: Building Functional Systems via Self-assembly. Palmas del Mar; Humacao, Puerto Rico, April 2007.
“Characterization of Novel Ferrocene Derivatives”, Rocío Cardona, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D.and Ana Guadalupe, Ph.D., MGE- WAESO. Arizona State University; Arizona, USA, April 2007.
“Electrochemical and Spectrophotometric Characterization of Novel Ferrocene Derivatives”, Rocío Cardona, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. and Ana Guadalupe, Ph.D., 243rd ACS National Meeting. Chicago; Illinois, USA, March 2007.
“Characterization of Inorganic Complexes Intercalated into Zirconium Phosphate Layers for Electrochemical Applications”, Casañas Montes, Bárbara; Morales García, Mara; Santiago Berríos, Mitk’El B.; Montes, Ingrid; Colón, Jorge L, 27th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM) and the 42nd JUNIOR TECHNICAL MEETING, Bayamón, PR, March,2007.
“An Integrated Inquiry-Guided Approach Laboratory Experience to Teach: Extraction, Recrystallization and Melting Point Determination”, Linnette Pruna, Johanna Fajardo and Ingrid Montes, ACS-233st National Meeting, Chicago, March 2007.
“A Greener Approach for Esterification Reactions”, Javier Escudero and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., ACS-233st National Meeting, Chicago, March 2007.
“A History of Outstanding Activities of the ACS-Student Affiliates Chapter at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus”, Anabel Pizarro and Ingrid Montes*, ACS-233st National Meeting, Chicago, March 2007.
“An Innovative Way To Introduce Students To Discuss About Ethical Misconduct”, Adriana Padilla, Atenaida Maldonado, Solymar Negretti and Ingrid Montes, ACS-233st National Meeting, Chicago, March 2007.
“Electrochemical Characterization of Novel Ferrocene Derivatives”, Maria del Mar García, Rocío Cardona, Ingrid Montes, Ana Guadalupe, ACS-233st National Meeting, Chicago, March 2007.
“An Integrated Inquiry-Guided Approach Laboratory Experience to Teach: Extraction, Recrystallization and Melting Point Determination”, Linnette Pruna, Johanna Fajardo and Ingrid Montes, PRISM/ ACS Jr. Technical Meeting-Inter-Bayamón, PR, March 2007.
“A Greener Approach for Esterification Reactions”, Javier Escudero and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., PRISM/ ACS Jr. Technical Meeting-Inter-Bayamón, PR, March 2007.
“Synthesis of Ferrocenyldienones Derivatives, Alejandra Cruz”, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., Ana Guadalupe, Ph.D., PRISM/ ACS Jr. Technical Meeting-Inter-Bayamón, PR, March 2007.
“An Innovative Way To Introduce Students To Discuss About Ethical Misconduct”, Adriana Padilla, Atenaida Maldonado, Solymar Negretti and Ingrid Montes, PRISM/ ACS Jr. Technical Meeting-Inter-Bayamón, PR, March 2007.
“Characterization of Inorganic Complexes Intercalated into Zirconium Phosphate Layers for Electrochemical Applications”, Barbara Casanas, Mara Morales, Ingrid Montes, Jorge Colon, Mitk’el Santiago, PRISM/ ACS Jr. Technical Meeting-Inter-Bayamón, PR, March 2007.
“Spectroscopic Charactirzation of Novel Ferrocene Derivatives”, Yanira Enriquez, Christia Rivera, Laura Pedro, Ingrid Montes, Ana Guadalupe, PRISM/ ACS Jr. Technical Meeting-Inter-Bayamón, PR, March 2007.
“Electrochemical Characterization of Novel Ferrocen Derivatives”, Maria del Mar García, Rocío Cardona, ingrid Montes, Ana Guadalupe, PRISM/ ACS Jr. Technical Meeting-Inter-Bayamón, PR, March 2007.
“Celebrating Fifty Years of History for the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras ACS Student Affiliate Program”, Anabel Pizarro and Ingrid Montes, Senior Technical Meeting, Dorado, PR, November 2006.
“Electrochemical and Spectrophotometric Characterization of Novel Ferrocene Derivatives”, Rocío Cardona, Ingrid Montes, Ana Guadalupe, Partnership for Research and Education in Materials (PREM)-NSF 4th Site Visit. University of Puerto Rico; Humacao, Puerto Rico, November 2006.
“Electrochemical and Spectrophotometric Characterization of Novel Ferrocene Derivatives”, Rocío Cardona, Ingrid Montes, Ana Guadalupe, 13th Chemical and Engineering Symposium XXX Senior Technical Meting of the ACS. Embassy Suites; Dorado, Puerto Rico, November 2006.
“An Ethnographic Study of How Newly Designed Inquiry-Based Organic Experiments that Address Different Learning Styles Affect the Teaching-Learning Process in the Laboratory Course”, Sanabria-Ríos, David and Montes, Ingrid, 232nd ACS Meeting, San Francisco, CA, September 2006 and BCCE, Purdue University, August 2006.
“Guided Inquiry Approach for a Systematic Study on the Stereoselective Reduction of Carbonyl Moiety Using Microwave Irradiation”, Alejandra Cruz, David Sanabria, Ingrid Montes Ph.D., ACS-231st National Meeting, Atlanta GA., March 2006.
“Alternative approach to teach ethics and green chemistry”, Vilmali López, Atenaida Maldonado, Adriana Padilla, Luis A. Serrano and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., ACS-231st National Meeting, Atlanta GA, March 2006.
“Celebrating Fifty Years of History for the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras ACS Student Affiliate Program”, Manuel Rodríguez and Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., ACS-231st National Meeting, Atlanta GA, March 2006.
“A Greener Systematic Study on the Stereoselective Reduction of Carbonyl Moiety Using Microwave Irradiation”, Alejandra Cruz, David Sanabria, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D, PRISM/ ACS Jr. Technical Meeting-UPR-Cayey, PR, March 2006.
“Guided Inquiry Approach for a Systematic Study on the Stereoselective Reduction of Carbonyl Moiety Using Microwave Irradiation”, David Sanabria, Alejandra Cruz, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., PRISM/ ACS Jr. Technical Meeting-UPR-Cayey, PR, March 2006.
“Electrochemical and Spectrophotometric Characterization of Novel Ferrocene Derivatives”, Rocío Cardona, Ingrid Montes, Ana Guadalupe, AGEP 4th Poster Presentation for Graduate Research. University of Puerto Rico; Río Piedras, Puerto Rico, July 2006.
“An Ethnographic Study of How Newly Designed Inquiry-Based Organic Experiments that Address Different Learning Styles Affect the Teaching-Learning Process in the Laboratory Course”, Sanabria-Ríos, David and Montes, Ingrid, 29th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Lajas, P.R., November 2005.
“The Portfolio: A Valuable Assessment Technique for the Organic Chemistry Laboratory”, Fajardo, Johanna and Montes, Ingrid, 29th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Lajas, P.R., November 2005.
“A Guided Inquiry Approach for the Synthesis of Artificial Flavorings. Studying the Effect of the Acetate Counterion in an SN2 Reaction”, Elizabeth Valentín, Ingrid Montes, 29th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Lajas, P.R., November 2005.
“An Ethnographic Study of How Newly Designed Inquiry-Based Organic Experiments that Address Different Learning Styles Affect the Teaching-Learning Process in the Laboratory Course”, Sanabria-Ríos, David and Montes, Ingrid, 230th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, August 2005.
“A Guided Inquiry Approach for the Synthesis of Artificial Flavorings. Studying the Effect of the Acetate Counterion in an SN2 Reaction”, Elizabeth Valentín, Ingrid Montes, Third Poster Presentation-College of Natural Sciences, July 2005.
“An Ethnographic Study of How Newly Designed Inquiry-Based Organic Experiments that Address Different Learning Styles Affect the Teaching-Learning Process in the Laboratory Course”, Sanabria-Ríos, David and Montes, Ingrid, Third Poster Presentation-College of Natural Sciences, July 2005.
“Innovative Activities Grant for the 2004-05 ACS-Student Affiliates Chapter at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus”, Manuel Rodríguez, Ingrid Montes, 229 ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2005.
“A Green Chemistry Multi-step Synthesis of Ferrocene Derivatives Using the Guided Inquiry Approach”, Wanda Cuadrado ,Cristina Díaz and Ingrid Montes, 226th ACS National Meeting, New York, September 2003.
“The Application of Stereochemistry in the Pharmaceutical Industry: An Innovative Way to Teach Stereochemistry Using Molecular Modeling”, Marilyn García, Michelle Burgos, José A. Prieto and Ingrid Montes, , 226th ACS National Meeting, New York, September 2003.
“A Greener Approach to Synthesize Aspirin Using Microwave Irradiation”, David Sanabria Ríos, Marilyn García and Ingrid Montes, 226th ACS National Meeting, New York, September 2003.
“A Greener Approach to Synthesize Aspirin Using Microwave Irradiation”, David Sanabria Ríos, Marilyn García and Ingrid Montes, Primera Presentación de Afiches para Estudiantes Graduados-Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Univ. De Puerto Rico-Recinto de Río Piedras, July 2003.
“A Greener Approach to Synthesize Aspirin Using Microwave Irradiation”, David Sanabria Ríos, Marilyn García and Ingrid Montes, PRCHEM-2003, Westin Río Mar Hotel, Río Grande Puerto Rico, July 2003
“A Green Chemistry Multi-step Synthesis of Ferrocene Derivatives Using the Guided Inquiry Approach”, Wanda Cuadrado, Cristina Díaz and Ingrid Montes, 38th Junior Technical Meeting, San Juan, P.R., March 2003.
“A Guided Inquiry Approach for Several Esterification Reaction Routes to Synthesize Artificial Flavorings”, Elizabeth Valentin, Myrella Aponte, Joel Cruz, Johanna Fajardo and Ingrid Montes, 38th Junior Technical Meeting, San Juan, P.R., March 2003.
“What is Beyond the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras ACS Student Affiliate Program”, Victor Rodríguez and Ingrid Montes, 38th Junior Technical Meeting, San Juan, P.R., March 2003.
“The Application of Stereochemistry in the Pharmaceutical Industry: An Innovative Way to Teach Stereochemistry Using Molecular Modeling”, Marilyn García, Michelle Burgos, José A. Prieto and Ingrid Montes, 26th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, San Juan, P.R., August 2002.
“Synthesis of Pharmaceutical Drugs Using Microwave Irradiation”, David Sanabria, Marilyn García and Ingrid Montes, 26th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, San Juan, P.R., August 2002.
“A Guided Inquiry Experience Based on the Extraction Technique”, Johanna Fajardo, Chunqiu Lai , Leslie Silvestriz and Ingrid Montes, 26th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, San Juan, P.R., August 2002.
“National Chemistry Week (NCW) Community Interaction Activities Conducted by the ACS Student Affiliates Chapters at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus“, Victor Rodriguez and Ingrid Montes, 26th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, San Juan, P.R., August 2002.
“National Chemistry Week community interaction activities conducted by the ACS Student Affiliate Program At The University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus”, Cruz Maldonado and Ingrid Montes, 223rd ACS National Meeting, Orlando, March 2002.
“The Use of Microwave Irradiation in the Synthesis of Pharmaceutical Drugs”, David Sanabria, Marilyn García, Ingrid Montes, 37th Junior Technical Meeting, Arecibo, P.R., March 2002.
“A Guided Inquiry Experience Based on the Extraction Technique”, Johanna Fajardo, Chunqiu Lai, Leslie Silvestriz and Ingrid Montes, 37th Junior Technical Meeting, Arecibo, P.R., March 2002.
“An Innovative Way to Teach Stereochemistry Using Molecular Modeling”, Marilyn García, Ingrid Montes and José A. Prieto, 37th Junior Technical Meeting, Arecibo, P.R., March 2002.
“Development of web-based laboratory modules for Organic Chemistry for Chemistry Majors Course”, Diana L. Santiago, Ingrid Montes and José A. Prieto, 37th Junior Technical Meeting, Arecibo, P.R., March 2002.
“Outcomes of the Innovative Activities and Community Interaction Grants Conducted by the ACS Student Affiliate Program at the University of Puerto Rico”, Río Piedras Campus, Cruz Maldonado and Ingrid Montes, 222th ACS National Meeting, Chicago, August 2001.
“Using the Guided Inquiry Approach In Qualitative Organic Analysis”, Alberto Maldonado and Ingrid Montes,221th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA., April 2001.
“The use of Microwave Irradiation in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory”, Marilyn García and Ingrid Montes, 221th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA., April 2001.
“A Broad Spectrum of Innovative Activities Worked by the ACS Student Affiliate Program at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus”, Sergio Nanita and Ingrid Montes, 221th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA., April 2001.
“Using the Guided Inquiry Approach in Qualitative Organic Analysis”, Alberto Maldonado and Ingrid Montes, 36th Junior Technical Meeting, Ponce, P.R., March 2001.
“The Use of Microwave Irradiation in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory”, Marilyn García and Ingrid Montes, 36th Junior Technical Meeting, Ponce, P.R., March 2001.
“An Alternative for Teaching the “Like Dissolves Like” Concept”, David Sanabria Chunqiu Lai and Ingrid Montes, 36th Junior Technical Meeting, Ponce, P.R., March 2001.
“Systematic Study of Esterification Reactions Focused on the Guided Inquiry Approach”, Myrella Aponte, Joel Cruz, Michelle Burgos, Johanna Fajardo, Leslie Silvestriz and Ingrid Montes, 36th Junior Technical Meeting, Ponce, P.R., March 2001.
“Using the Guided Inquiry Approach in Qualitative Organic Analysis”, Alberto Maldonado and Ingrid Montes, 24th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Aguadilla, P.R., November 2000.
“New Alternatives for Teaching Organic Chemistry Using Molecular Modeling”, Marilyn García and Ingrid Montes, 220th ACS National Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 2000.
“ACS Student Affiliate Program at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus: Innovative Activities and Community Interaction Grants”, Lucas Hernández and Ingrid Montes, 220th ACS National Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 2000.
“New Alternatives for Teaching Organic Chemistry using Molecular Modeling”, Marilyn García and Ingrid Montes,First ACS Undergraduate Pan American Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 2000.
“What is Beyond the ACS Student Affiliate Program at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus?”, Lucas Hernándezand Ingrid Montes, 219th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, March 2000.
“A New Approach to Teach Chromatography in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory”, Margarita Meléndez and Ingrid Montes, 35th Junior Technical Meeting, Río Piedras, P.R., March 2000.
“Introducing Molecular Modeling in the Organic Chemistry Course for Majors”, Marilyn García, and Ingrid Montes, 35th Junior Technical Meeting, Río Piedras, P.R., March 2000.
“The use of the World Wide Web in the Organic Chemistry Course for Majors”, Humberto Rodríguez, Ingrid Montes* and José A. Prieto, 23th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Humacao, P.R., November 1999.
“Systematic Study of the Grignard Reaction Focused on the Guided Inquiry Approach“, Margarita Meléndez, Zaida Díaz and Ingrid Montes, 23th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Humacao, P.R., November 1999.
“Introducing Molecular Modeling in the Organic Chemistry Course for Majors”, Marilyn García, and Ingrid Montes, 23th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Humacao, P.R., November 1999.
“An Innovative Way to Teach Stereochemistry with Molecular Modeling in the Organic Chemistry Course for Majors”, Michelle Burgos, Marina Martínez, Marilyn García and Ingrid Montes, 23th ACS Senior Technical Meeting, Humacao, P.R., November 1999.
“Utilizing Ferrocene Chemistry to Merge Concepts of Organic, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry In The Undergraduate Laboratory Experience”, Zhiqin Ji, J. Colón, A. Guadalupe, J, Prieto and I. Montes, 34th Junior Technical Meeting, Bayamón, P.R., March 1999.
“Systematic Study of the Grignard Reaction Focused on the Problem Based Learning Approach”, Margarita Meléndez, Zaida Díaz and Ingrid Montes, 34th Junior Technical Meeting, Bayamón, P.R., March 1999.
“A New Approach for the Synthesis of Dibenzalacetone”, Chunqiu Lai, I. Montes and Helena Rivera, 33th Junior Technical Meeting, Bayamón, P.R., March 1998.
“Implementing the World Wide Web as Part of the Organic Chemistry Course for Majors”, D. Reyes, I. Montes and J. Prieto, 33th Junior Technical Meeting, Bayamón, P.R., March 1998.
Chaired/Organized Symposia at Meetings
Honors and Awards
Jürgen Bosch Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute.
José Ortíz, Ph.D., Pharmacology & Toxicology, University of Puerto Rico, School of Medicine, San Juan Puerto Rico.
Mahesh Narayan, University of Texas, El Paso.
Adelfa Serrano, Ph.D., University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus.
Dr. Fathi Halaweish from South Dakota State University in Brookyns South Dakota.
David Sanabria, Ph.D., InterAmerican University-Metropolitan Campus.
Ana Guadalupe, Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.
Ana Guadalupe, Rocío Cardona, Kenneth Hernandez, Laura Pedro, Myrna Otaño, and Ingrid Montes “Electrochemical and Spectroscopical Characterization of Ferrocenyl Chalcones” Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2010, 157, 104-110.
Dalice Piñero, Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.
Jorge Colón, Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.
Victor Bonilla, Ph.D., College of Education, Department of Graduate Studies, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.
Reinaldo Berríos, Ph.D., College of Education, Department of Graduate Studies, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.
Francisco Arnaíz, Ph. D., Universidad de Burgos, Spain- Sabbatical 2010-2011.
“La reacción del yodo con el aluminio. Un proyecto para el laboratorio integrado” Sara M. Delgado, Ingrid Montes, Ph.D., Francisco J. Arnáiz, Ph.D. XXXIII Reunión Bienal de Química de la Real Sociedad Española de Química, Valencia, Spain, July, 2011.
Research with students
*UPR-Humacao RISE Program
Professional Societies
American Chemical Society
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Puerto Rico Chemist’s Association
American Association of Chemistry Teachers
Local Section Secretary (1993)
Chairperson Elect of the Puerto Rico Section of the ACS (1994, 2002, 2010
Chairperson (1995, 2003, 2011)
Treasurer (1998)
Alternate Councilor (1996 – 1998)
Councilor (1998 – 2012)
2005 – Present